The PDF Cases contain real life case studies of patients who exhibited resistance to antimicrobials. The Interactive cases are imaginary cases specially packaged to aid learning on antimicrobial resistance and stewardship. The interactive cases feature interesting knowledge checks allowing you to answer questions and get immediate feedback. The resources section contains standard learning materials on antimicrobial resistance including a general quiz, online discussion forums, chats, policies, guidelines, reports, statistics and other useful findings.
Available Antimicrobial Resistance Case Studies
Perils in the Intensive Care Unit: Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia with Hospital Acquired Bugs in a Resource Limited Setting
Motorcycle taxi riders, commonly known as ‘bodabodas’ are responsible for more than 75% of all trauma caused in road traffic collisions and ‘bodaboda’ related injuries are an everyday sight at emergency and accident departments of hospitals. Critically injured patients require intensive and specialized care that is not easily accessible in low-income countries. We report a real life case of SF, a 36-year-old male motorcycle rider who was involved in a road traffic accident, admitted to the National Referral Hospital. Read the case to find out what happened during his 2months and 1-day hospital stay.
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Prolonged Surgical Prophylaxis for Caesarean Sections: A Need for Change
This paper highlights current antimicrobial overuse for caesarean section (C-section) surgical prophylaxis, local hospital and OT microbial contaminants and recommendations to improve SAP.
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The Dilemma of Hospital Bugs in the Community: A Case of E-Coli
We report a case of a 50-year-old male who presented from the community, with a diagnosis of sepsis caused by an ESBL Escherichia coli infection. Antibiotic resistant bacteria are increasingly causing infections in communities, hospitals and in patients housed in long-term care facilities. This case also presents the challenges in the management of ESBL Escherichia coli infection in resource-limited settings.
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How Safe is Your Hospital? A Case of MRSA on the Neonatal Ward
We report a case of a 10-day old neonate born to a 37-year old Nurse. We highlight how a diagnosis of late onset neonatal sepsis with MRSA was made and describe the challenges encountered in managing this 10-day old neonate in a resource limited setting.
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Resistance to Empiric Antibiotic Therapy in Two Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition
We report two cases of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in 2 children with drug resistant bacteraemia and resistance to World Health Organisation (WHO) recommended first line antibiotics in a regional referral hospital in eastern Uganda. The cases emphasize the role of baseline blood cultures in the management of children with complicated SAM as well as the need for continued surveillance for the pathogens in this population.
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Rational Antibiotic Prescription in a Case of a 12-Year-old girl with Acute Pharyngitis
Acute sore throat or acute pharyngitis is a common complaint and a frequent reason for seeking medical care in outpatient settings especially for children and adolescents. It is one of the common conditions for which antibiotics are wrongfully prescribed. As the world faces a global antimicrobial resistance(AMR) threat, health workers and the general public are called upon to use available medicines rationally. We present a case of a 12-year old female who visited an outpatient clinic, complaining of a sore throat and fever. Study this interesting case for details on how she was managed.
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Antimicrobial Resistance Following a Sexually Transmitted Infection
The misuse of antibiotics has led to significant healthcare problems, notably, the increasing occurrence of antibiotic resistance. In resource limited settings, the misuse of antibiotics is commonly encountered among patients as well as clinicians.
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Appropriate Management of Respiratory Tract Infections
We contrast two clinical scenarios and highlight ways to optimize your use of antibiotics for patients with respiratory tract infections.
Jane presented with a 5-day history of fever, chills and sudden onset of pleuritic chest pain. Mary presented in the outpatient department with a one-week history of intermittently productive cough with white sputum.
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