1. What resources can I find on the IDI e-learning platform?
We have short continuous professional development courses, treatment guidelines, newsletters on various topics like Infection prevention and control, Hepatitis B management, real life case studies of patient management, Hypothetical cases, and COVID-19 resources.
2. Where do I find e-learning resources?
Visit the IDI e-learning page at https://elearning.idi.co.ug You will be required to enter a username and password when you try to access any resource.
3. How do I get a username and password?
Click on Log In on the IDI e-learning page, If you are a returning user, it means you already have a username and password, go ahead and enter these. Otherwise, a new user must proceed to click on Create new account. You then fill in a short form and submit. Part of the fields in this form, require you to enter your preferred username and password, both of these must be easy for you to remember, for example:
Username: janedoe
Password: janedoe8
4. How do I access a course?
Simply click on the courses Tab on the IDI e-learning website
5. Are the courses free?
A few courses are free, while most of them require a pay to be enrolled. After you choose a course of choice, you will obtain details from the course information.
6. Who can I contact in case of queries?
If in Uganda, please call our toll free number 0800200055, otherwise, send us an email on training@idi.co.ug or to