IDI offers high-quality, evidence-based online and blended trainings as well as technical assistance-to build the capacity of health workers. The courses aim to enhance and maintain the competence of the healthcare workforce. Areas of training include clinical courses, laboratory courses and systems & strengthening courses.

Available Courses

Comprehensive TB management

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Blended
Eligibility: All health workers or TB clinic staff
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course fee: UGX 800,000, USD 215


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Comprehensive HIV Management

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: HIV clinic staff
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course fee: UGX 800,000, USD 215


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Good Clinical Laboratory Practices

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: All laboratory staff
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course fee per week: UGX 300,000, USD 80


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Resource Mobilization, Grants, Financial Management and Compliance

Course Duration: 5 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Professionals in both the public and not-for-profit sectors
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course fee: UGX 800,000, USD 230
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Basic HIV Counseling

Course Duration: 4 Weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Health workers and Organisational Staff Working in the HIV/AIDS Field
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course Fee: UGX 500,000, USD 135


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Implementation Science Capacity Building for National Public Health Institutes

Course Duration: 8 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: National Public Health Institutes Workforce
Course Availability: Restricted
Course Fee: Free


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Basic Microbiology Laboratory Techniques and Practices

Course Duration: 3 Weeks
Delivery Mode: Blended
Eligibility: Laboratory Assistants, Technicians, Technologists and Scientists
Course Availability: Express interest


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Identifying Violence and Responding with First-Line Support

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: All healthcare workers
Course Availability: Express interest
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC)

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Midwives or MCH/PMTCT staff
Course Availability: Express interest
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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The TB Supervision Performance Assessment and Recognition Strategy (TB SPARS)

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: All health workers or TB clinic staff
Course Availability: Express interest
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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The ISO 15189:2012 (Requirements for quality and competence for medical laboratories)

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Laboratory staff
Course Availability: Express interest
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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Training on emerging and complex study designs for research ethics committee members

Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Restricted to Research Ethics Committee (REC) members
Course Availability: Upcoming
Course fee per week: Free


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The Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response – Global Health Security Agenda Course. (Online E-IDSR GHSA)

Course duration: Self paced
Delivery mode: Online
Eligibility: Community members, health workers, district and national coordinators
Course Availability: Open Access
Course fee per week: Free


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The Trainer of Trainers (TOT) course in HIV Viral Load Monitoring of ART in resource limited settings

Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Health workers interfacing with HIV positive clients
Course Availability: Open access


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COVID 19 Infection Prevention and Control

Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: All healthcare workers
Course Availability: Open access


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The HIV tester certification course

Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Blended
Eligibility: HIV testing health workers
Course Availability: Express interest
Course Fee: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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Anti-sexual harassment course

Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: IDI staff and stakeholders who have a contractual relationship with IDI.
Course Availability: Restricted
Course fee per week: Free


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The training of health workers in provision of friendly services for key, priority and vulnerable populations

Course Duration: 3 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: All frontline health workers
Course Availability: Express interest
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students


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The ART Access pharmacy sensitization course

Course Duration: Self-paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Pharmacy healthcare workers
Course availability: Restricted


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Local manufacture of Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)

Course Duration: Self-paced
Delivery Mode: Online
  • Production: Laboratory and pharmacy staff and any other clinicians with an interest
  • Quality control: Health facility leadership nominees-preferably Infection Prevention/WASH leads (the same applies to district-level selections)

Course availability:Ongoing


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Personal Effectiveness and Leadership Skills (PELS) Training for Research and Research Ethics Committees (REC) Administrators

Course Duration: Self-paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Restricted to Research Ethics Committee (REC) members
Course Availability: Restricted
Course availability: Upcoming


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Clinical pharmacology and pharmacometrics

Course Duration: 12 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Scientists from fields including medicine, pharmacy, statistics, engineering
Course Availability: Restricted
Course Fee: Sponsored by Pharmacometrics Africa


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Research Dissemination and Visibility

Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: IDI Staff and Stakeholders
Course Availability: Restricted
Course Fee: Free


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Clinical Trials Monitoring

Course Duration: 3 years
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: REC,& NRRA Members, Clinical trials Monitors and Researchers
Course Availability: Ongoing, Restricted


VHFs Case Management

Course Duration:
Delivery Mode:
Course Availability:
Course Fee: