Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC)
Course Duration: 4 weeks
Delivery Mode: Online
Eligibility: Midwives or MCH/PMTCT staff
Course fee per week: $140 – International students $ 99 – Ugandan Students
Course Availability: Express interest
Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC) is a differentiated antenatal care (ANC) delivery model intended to address the special needs of young mothers and keep them in care. G-ANC empowers young mothers to meet as groups, take their own observations such as weight, height, mid upper arm circumference measurements, and share their motherhood experiences before attending routine individualized clinical assessment and examination.
This approach produces better health outcomes for the young mother during the antenatal care and postnatal care (PNC) periods as a result of attending their care in groups and giving birth with the support of skilled personnel.
The course aims to build the capacity of facility-level health workers to address the unique health needs of adolescents and young women that include high-risk pregnancies, HIV/STIs and socio-economic challenges. It captures the unique MCH/PMTCT health care needs for pregnant and breastfeeding AGYWs and suggests friendly interventions tailored to meet these special needs.
Course Aim
The course aims to build the capacity of facility-level health workers in to addressing the unique health needs of adolescents and young women that include high-risk pregnancies, HIV/STIs and socio-economic challenges.
This is a modular course with illustrative learning sessions, videos, live tutorials and discussions.
At a glance
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