Local manufacture of Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR)
Course Duration: Self paced
Delivery Mode: Online
- Production: Laboratory and pharmacy staff and any other clinicians with an interest
- Quality control: Health facility leadership nominees-preferably Infection Prevention/WASH leads (the same applies to district-level selections)
Course availability: Ongoing
The course on Local manufacture of Alcohol Based Hand Rub (ABHR) is designed to equip health facility staff with the skills to locally produce ABHR with a goal to increase its access and availability within healthcare facilities to contribute to hand hygiene compliance.
This course equips health workers with knowledge and skills on the modalities of local manufacture of ABHR, its contribution to hand hygiene compliance, and the reduction of healthcare-associated infections.
The content will be covered in eight modules.
Course Aim
The course aims to build the capacity of healthcare workers by equipping them with skills for the local production of ABHR.
This is an online modular training comprised of 8 modules. It is self-paced and can be completed in 12 hours with maximum concentration.
At a glance