Basic Microbiology Laboratory Techniques and Practices
Course Duration: 3 Weeks
Delivery Mode: Blended
Eligibility: Laboratory Assistants, Technicians, Technologists and Scientists
Course Availability: Express interest
Uganda’s One Health strategic plan (2018-2022) recognizes that the health of humans, animals and the environment is interlinked and provides a framework for promoting multisectoral collaboration to effectively prevent and control emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and AMR, especially in resource-limited settings like Uganda. This course endeavours to improve capacity and strengthen competencies demanded in microbiology laboratory practice. It is developed with the view of facilitating effective in-service training and follow-up (integrated in a mentorship and supportive supervision system) to support trainees apply acquired competencies. The modular approaches help trainees master the competencies, and progress at their own pace which motivates and facilitates further inquisitive learning.
Specific course objectives
- Introduce you to the general principles of microbiology, laboratory safety, ethical principles and quality assurance, and to help you use, care, maintain equipment and manage supplies in the microbiology laboratory.
- Introduce you to antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST), classification of antibiotics and their mode of action, how micro-organisms develop resistance, different methods of performing AST and interpretation of results to support patient management and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance.
- Equip you with basic skills in proper sample management, staining, culture media preparation and serological assays.
- Enhance your knowledge and skills to appropriately perform macroscopic and microscopic specimen examination; culture and identification techniques.